Offered at cost by the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to legal education, Helix doesn’t sacrifice quality, just expense. With Helix, you’ll receive a bar review program developed by leaders in the field – but not priced that way. And if you need it, a payment plan is available.

Pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam with Helix MPRE – free! Helix MPRE gives you expert insight into each topic, practice questions, simulated exams, videos, flashcards, study schedules, the Helix MPRE Attack Outline and, of course, the signature Helix approach to study.
Helix MPRE for the March 2025 Exam is Now Open!
Look inside Helix Bar Review. We want you to. Then make a truly informed decision. What have you got to lose? $ZERO.

Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Real Property and Torts. Get these exceptional study resources – free.
Helix UBE has everything you need to prepare for (and pass!) the Uniform Bar Exam. With our integrated approach to instruction and learning, Helix UBE serves up content and practice in a deliberate progression from day one – putting a premium on every minute of study. And our 20, 16, 12, and 10-week study schedules give you true “early start” options, so you can choose a plan that works best for you. Strategic. Engaging. Flexible. It's the modern way to pass the UBE.
Helix UBE for the July 2025 Exam is Now Open!
$1199 (plus shipping)

Proven learning science + high impact teaching strategy = Helix California! Guided by our meticulously crafted 10, 12, 16, and 20-week study schedules, Helix California takes you through ALL the content you need to successfully pass the California Bar Exam. You get every resource. And every tool. For EVERY advantage. And you get it all for one low, no-profit price.
Helix California for the July 2025 Exam is Now Open!
$1199 (plus shipping)
A manageable course for the modern bar studier. Helix Florida gives you everything you need to prepare for the Florida Bar Exam – and just what you need. With varying instruction methods that intersperse interactive outlines with short videos, flashcards, practice questions, and even games – the Helix Florida study plan will keep you actively engaged and moving forward in your course to ensure you cover all the content and practice you need by exam day.
Helix Florida for the July 2025 Exam is Now Open!
$1199 (plus shipping)

Want to get a jump start on your MBE prep? Need additional MBE practice questions? Want more than just practice questions? Helix MBE gives you access to licensed NCBE questions, Helix-designed MBE questions, flashcards, videos, and even the Game Center for the entire 2024-2025 academic year – and through the July 2025 bar exam.
Helix MBE 2024-2025 is Open August 12, 2024, Through July 31, 2025.
Helix Flashcard Sets are the perfect study aid while in law school and again when prepping for the bar! Get a jump start on your memorization of black letter law with these curated sets of flashcards that will help you test your recall of important definitions and rules. Choose the full UBE set (MBE and MEE subjects) or the MBE-only set, each color-coded by subject with room for your personal notes. Throw them in your bag and study on the go!
UBE Set - $99 (plus shipping)
MBE Set - $69 (plus shipping)

$1,000 Minimum
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In support of our nonprofit mission and our commitment to the next generation of lawyers, Helix Bar Review by AccessLexSM has chosen to pay Affirm an additional fee per transaction, resulting in reduced or even zero-interest payment plans.
See how Affirm can help you manage your bar review payments today!